SHED Forum
On the 11th March 2020, the SHED Forum was held (see programme here). Part of the Data Fest Fringe, this event attracted a wide range of presenters and attendees from across the historic environment, data management and public sectors.
The purpose of the day was to explore Is Scotland’s Historic Environment Data Fit for the Future? Speakers were invited to share how access to historic environment data poses challenges for their part of the sector, including how current arrangements may provide barriers to access and confusion for users. Other speakers offered potential solutions by outlining projects which aim to link and share data.
A common thread was the desire to share data, not just to create efficiencies within the sector, but to make information available to the public in a range of ways.
Talks from the day are available to view on the SHED Strategy Slideshare page.
The day concluded with a workshop, the notes from which are available here. Feedback from the workshop will be used to inform continued implementation of the SHED Strategy.
Everyone involved with SHED would like to thank all presenters and participants for their parts in an engaging and thought-provoking day.