The SHED Strategy
The SHED Strategy is a sector-wide initiative to improve access to information about Scotland’s historic environment.
The key aim is to work in partnership in order to protect, promote and enhance Scotland’s historic environment through coordinated activity to improve the data, and the associated systems and processes.
The partnership includes government agencies, non-government organisations (NGOs), and academic institutions, but also supports the public’s involvement in the care and enjoyment of the historic environment through better records.
The SHED Strategy is being undertaken under the umbrella of the Scottish HER Forum, which brings together many of the bodies that create and maintain records about Scotland’s historic environment.
To find out more, download a copy of the full strategy document: SHED Strategy April 2014
The SHED Strategy was launched at the IfA conference in Glasgow on the 9th of April 2014, in a speech by Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs.
A consultation on the SHED strategy was undertaken in May and June 2013, and a workshop was held on 28 May, 2013. A useful summary of the consultation is available, as well as the consultation responses and report on the SHED-PastMap workshop May 2013.
On 26 November 2015 around two dozen historic environment data stakeholders from a spread of organisations and interests got together to have a look at a draft SHED Strategy Implementation Plan. The report of the day can now be downloaded here, and is being taken into account by the SHED Programme Board as the Implementation Plan begins to firm up and be prioritised.